SRFF featured in Black Tie Magazine

Thanks to Black Tie Magazine and Aubrey Reuben for featuring SRFF in its February edition of "On the Town with Aubrey Reuben"!
Reuben writes:
I was invited to a charming Italian restaurant, Bocca East, 1496 Second Avenue, for a delicious press luncheon to announce the 3rd SR Socially Relevant Film Festival to take place at the Bow Tie Cinemas Chelsea from March 14-20. Appropriately, the restaurant served bow tie pasta as the main course! In the first two years, 108 films from 33 countries were seen. Actress/filmmaker/curator Nora Armani made a short speech explaining the purpose of the festival, and its origin and history. The festival has four competition categories, and a list of of eight feature length narratives and eight documentaries were distributed. The other two categories are short films and screenplays. Where my schedule permits, I hope to attend the festival.
Thanks Aubrey! We look forward to seeing you and all of your friends at the festival!
Read more from Aubrey Reuben here.